I worked 6 years for GSK Biologicals as an external consultant.

My job was to evaluate the risks, then recruit a project team and implement a RIMS in parallel to the UK project.

I am quite proud of the result, not only in terms of the objectives reached in a challenging situation, but also concerning the team that we put together, great professionals and lovely people.

Setup & context

The goal was to replace an old in house development by an OTS package, connected to multiple other key systems and included in major business processes.

The challenge & problem PROCESS

GSK Pharma in UK and GSK Biologicals in Belgium didn't have the same priorities and challenges, however, it was key to the management to always be aligned. The implementation also came at the same time than a reorganisation and the users were not always available for the project.

Launch, impact, results

Despite the other business priorities, the tool was quite quickly adopted and I stayed a couple of additional years in order to improve the reporting capabilities.